
the steep learning curve that is 3D printing is going well. I managed to print a brain with the two colour printer where the foundation struts are a different colour. I continue to be fascinated by the question what does science look like? so at the moment the imagery within the program is more interesting that the actual objects, although there is an abstract magic around making real the virtual which I am sure I will never fail to be amazed by. 
In the drawing workshop the level of serious fun and energy in the room (for 2 hours) was awesome. The students progressed from 'this is a laugh', which it was, to taking the whole thing very seriously as they became focused and realised that drawing requires practice and adoption of a way of thinking to develop skills but that it can be a way to access looking and seeing. All this under the watchful eye of Celia who drove the session with a focused calmness. The drawing techniques and rules that were engaged in by the students were so relevant to thinking about anatomy and 3D printing. For myself I redrew and then printed a 3D version using the medical scanning software of a blind-left-hand-15-second-drawing (yes the drawing workshop was a wonderful 'oldskool' art school session). 


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